Sharing Strategies

What To Know Before You Judge Someone For Using A Disability Accessible Parking Spot
“I saw a police officer standing next to my car…. [He] mentioned someone called the police when they saw me get out of my car with my family.”

Identity-First Vs Person-First Language
Both person-first and identity-first language are used in Australia to refer to people with disability, or disabled people. People with disability often have very strong preferences for either identity-first, or person-first language.

International Guide Dog Day
Guide dogs provide opportunities for social interaction and greater independence for legally blind adults. International Guide Dog Day pays tribute to the dogs who do this impressive work.

People With Disabilities Don’t Need Us To Decide What’s ‘Best’ For Them
Stop telling people what they need. Ask them — and then listen to the answers.

Blind farmer creates route into farming for disabled students
A blind farmer is breaking down employment barriers for young people with disabilities and learning difficulties by giving them work experience on his small farm in Bedfordshire.

Disability as Inspiration: Can Greater Exposure Overcome this Phenomenon?
Inspiration… a term often used when an able-bodied individual witnesses a person with a disability competing, or participating in, a challenging activity despite a physical impairment. “What’s your excuse?” is a phrase that often accompanies what is designed as motivational images depicting these scenarios. Very popular Facebook and other social media image posts with extraordinarily high share numbers often follow this theme: “If they can do it, so can you!”

LEGO is donating MRI scanner models to hospitals to help calm children
The LEGO Group is donating model MRI scanners to hospitals to explain the process to kids, and the exclusive build has been showcased online.

I’m A Dad-To-Be With A Disability. Here’s Why I’m Learning To Carry A Baby Months In Advance.
Most dads don’t give carrying their kids this much thought and effort. But I have cerebral palsy.
I put both arms into the Baby Bjorn and flipped it over my head, the way a preschooler puts on a jacket. I clipped the carrier’s back pad around my midsection. When time came for the baby, I cradled its head with my left arm, and reached my right hand underneath. I lifted — slowly, slowly — wondering how much harder this would be with a live infant. I settled the toy doll into position, exhaled and began securing the harnesses.

Happy White Cane Day!!!
October 15 is International White Cane Day, referred to as National White Cane Safety Day or National White Cane Awareness Day in the United States and simply White Cane Day in Canada.

Curb Cuts
If you live in an American city and you don’t personally use a wheelchair, it’s easy to overlook the small ramp at most intersections, between the sidewalk and the street. Today, these curb cuts are everywhere, but fifty years ago — when an activist named Ed Roberts was young — most urban corners featured a sharp drop-off, making it difficult for him and other wheelchair users to get between blocks without assistance.