Sharing Strategies

Trolls Told Me I’m Too Ugly To Post Pics. Then I Did And Something Incredible Happened.
In one tweet — which now has nearly 300,000 likes — I owned my beauty. For the first time in my life, I felt worthy and deserving.

8 Everyday Items Originally Invented for People With Disabilities
There’s something called the “Curb-Cut Effect.” Research institute PolicyLink describes it as “a vibrant illustration of how laws and programs designed to benefit vulnerable groups, such as the disabled or people of color, often end up benefiting all.”

Target Adds Accessible Options To Its Halloween Collection
Everyone can dress up. Target announced the launch of accessible Halloween costumes.

I’m Sick Of Explaining My Disability To My Therapist
A few months into seeing my new therapist, I am talking about the anxiety I experience when taking public transportation. For me, part of that anxiety is that my physical disability might cause me to overheat and faint while out and about.

Mastercard Introduces Accessible Card for Blind and Partially Sighted People
Unique notches on the Touch Card’s short side allow the person to distinguish it between a credit, debit or prepaid card.

Bullying Risk in Children with Disabilities: A Review of the Literature
Bullying, also called peer victimization, is a ”disrespectful relationship problem” that occurs when one or more children repeatedly use aggressive behaviour to manipulate, upset, or harm another child who is vulnerable because of his or her physical, mental, or social features. Children can be bullied in several ways.

How to Help Students with Special Needs Avoid Bullying
Recent tragedies in western Massachusetts have reminded us all that bullying can have heartbreaking consequences for students in our schools.

While the definitions of cyberbullying, sometimes called online bullying, vary from source to source, most definitions consist of:
electronic forms of contact, an aggressive act, intent, repetition, harm to the target

How three young disabled people dealt with bullies
Research shows disabled children are much more likely to be bullied. Three young people who were once victimised tell their stories and share tips on tackling the problem.

Living With A Disability: 12 Essential Tips To Maintain Your Awesome Attitude
I was born with Spina Bifida and one of the biggest challenges of having been born with a disability is that it’s sometimes difficult to separate yourself as a person from the physical condition you’ve always known.