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PDF Association.

PDF/UA Reference Suite 1.1

The PDF Association’s PDF/UA Technical Working Group (PDF/UA TWG) has posted an updated version of the PDF/UA Reference Suite, an update and replacement to the 2014 edition. The new PDF/UA Reference Suite 1.1 set of 10 PDF documents conform to PDF/UA-1 and adhere to the recommendations made by the TWG’s Tagged PDF Best Practice Guide: Syntax.

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Usability & Web Accessibility – Zoom & Resizing Text

Enlarging text is primarily the browser’s responsibility. Browsers accomplish this chiefly in one of two ways: enlarging the font size only, or zooming into the entire page and applying responsive styles, as appropriate.

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Usability & Web Accessibility – Testing Procedures

Checklists are a necessary and helpful part of any accessibility testing process. The best checklists translate WCAG criteria into understandable language. Checklists may also be role-specific, focusing on editors, designers, or developers. Though checklists are not a perfect substitute for understanding WCAG guidelines, they are nevertheless invaluable.

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Usability & Web Accessibility – Using University Supported Platforms

Site owners should consider using university-supported platforms for their sites. University-supported platforms include YaleSites and Tridion. Yale staff regularly update these platforms for accessibility, security, and functionality. Hence, using these platforms may make compliance easier.

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Usability & Web Accessibility – WCAG Overview

The WCAG 2 is a “stable, referenceable, technical standard” developed by the World Wide Web Consortium intended to guide the creation of accessible websites and web content. WCAG is divided into four principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.

A man in a wheel chair smiling with thumbs up with a young girl standing next to him

Camilo Acero: My Family is My Trophy

Injured in his home country of Colombia at the age of 18, Camilo sustained a spinal cord injury in a car accident. The life changing event marked the start of using a wheelchair to navigate day to day life, but even in the early moments of trauma, his optimism was remarkable.

Cassandra and Hailey Brandt

Sacrifice and Strength: A Mother and Daughter’s Journey Through SCI

Rebuilding a life following a high-level spinal cord injury is never easy. For Cassandra Brandt, a single mother, and her daughter Haley, America’s worsening caregiver crisis forced them into a situation that no family should have to face.


JENNY LAY-FLURRIE – Stories from inside Microsoft’s journey to design a more accessible world

Her perfect diction and exceptional lip-reading skills – honed by practicing in the mirror as a little girl – allowed her to cloak the deafness. Of course, that made workdays exhausting. In time, Lay-Flurrie accepted and then celebrated the disability, though some colleagues still didn’t know she had one.

Chuck Edward standing on a balcony with a partly cloudy sky behind him.

A high-profile leader reveals his disability to help others have a more empowered voice

As a human resources exec, Chuck Edward has long championed the voices of others and encouraged their stories. He has traveled globally, from India to Romania, with thoughtful advice for employees and job candidates to be vulnerable, open-minded and authentic. He’s a well-known, compassionate mentor who enjoys coaching people and shaping an inclusive culture that gives everyone “permission to be real.”

MS Exec Taylor Anne

‘We are at a crossroads’ – How Microsoft’s Accessibility team is making an impact that will be felt for generations

When it comes to accessibility, Anne Taylor is not afraid to share her point of view. Serving as Director of Supportability in Microsoft’s Accessibility program, she ensures the teams designing Microsoft products and services always consider people with disabilities.