Beyond Compliance: Accessibility in Multifamily
In the multifamily industry, we have all heard of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We have policies in place for it. It is referenced, stated, and explained in our training courses, onboarding materials, and development plans.
Accessibility Statements Show Commitment to all Site Users
Accessibility Statements let the public know that an organization is thinking about all its site visitors. A good Statement should have a phone number for people to call if they face a barrier on the website. This article also has links to pages on company websites talking about accessible products and services.
Disabled Israeli minister left out of inaccessible climate conference
Energy Minister Karin Elharrar left the conference after two hours of unsuccessful attempts to get into the conference from several entrances.
Creating a Workplace Personalized Emergency Response Plan
Under the AODA [Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) S.27(1)], employers must provide personalized emergency response plans to workers who have temporary or permanent disabilities.
Accessibility is the new frontier of social justice
Bold statement, I know. But as TikTok’s popularity has grown and influencers with disabilities are offering glimpses into their daily lives, their millions of followers are beginning to think about how the world around them is or is not accessible for everyone.