Resource Library

A multicolored abstract illustration shows a busy crowd of people standing, chatting, and walking past each other.

Disability at Work: The Forgotten Diversity

Disability in the workplace is a form of diversity—yet it is widely misunderstood and often excluded from diversity considerations. Data shows that organizations can effectively improve disability inclusion and, in the process, improve the workplace experience of all employees.

Five hands each hold a puzzle piece and form a circle, almost connecting. A gold light shines over them.

Making the Disability Inclusion Connections in Your Business and Community: Five Practical, Powerful Strategies for Action

Five powerful and practical strategies for making the disability inclusion connections in your business and in the community your business serves.  

A blue image titled WRITING ALT TEXT has five words over colour that read IDENTIFY WHO, EXPRESSION, DESCRIPTION, COLOUR, and INTERESTING FEATURES. Below a capybara sits calmly in water. Beside this image an example of ALT text reads, "A capybara looking relaxed in a hot spa. Yellow yuzu fruits are floating in the water, and one is balanced on the top of the capybara's head.

How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the Visually Impaired

Over the last few years, Veronica Lewis has become a leading expert in how to write alt text and image descriptions for the visually impaired, inclusive of blind/low vision audiences.

Haben Girma, stands outdoors with her seeing-eye dog, Mylo, at Deloitte’s Chief DEI Forum in June 2023.

‘Disability Sparks Innovation’: Insights From Deafblind Human Rights Lawyer Haben Girma

Haben Girma, a human rights lawyer working to advance disability justice who was the first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, is a passionate advocate and thought leader in this space.

Logo in Text RNIB See differently

Looking for your image?

For 2.2 billion people in the world with sight loss it’s not always that easy.

Often the ALT TEXT they rely on to describe an image to them is either non-existent, or just a bit rubbish.

Writing a description to every image you post gives everyone a fuller picture.

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ted Rummel was devastated with the news of a blood-filled cyst on his spine in 2010 that would eventually burst and lead to his paralyzation from the waist down. Despite the complications, however, the dedicated doctor has managed to find a way to continue working in the operating room through the use of an electric stand-up wheelchair.

Inspirational Surgeon Operates from Stand-Up Wheelchair

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ted Rummel was devastated with the news of a blood-filled cyst on his spine in 2010 that would eventually burst and lead to his paralyzation from the waist down. Despite the complications, however, the dedicated doctor has managed to find a way to continue working in the operating room through the use of an electric stand-up wheelchair.

Illustration of a collaborative design app with two windows, A11y is selected and being resized, a speaker icon with dashes indicating the screenreader is reading the page, and the Figma F logo.

New Ideas and Unique Solutions from Figma on Accessibility

For those who aren’t familiar with it, Figma is a tool that allows people to share and collaborate on designs for digital products and experiences. Changes are propagated in real time. Think of it as Google Docs for designers.

An Immature Response? Why organizations are failing to build digitally accessible products and services

by Hassell Inclusion Limited 2023
Every year around December, automated accessibility testing companies publish ‘State of Accessibility’ reports, telling us how accessible or inaccessible the digital world’s websites are.
These are useful. But rarely does anyone look at the ‘Why?’ behind their results… Or look at what needs to happen to help things improve…
This Research Report does just that.

An abstract with a full spectrum of colours. Two hands with wheels and tools sprouting off.

Disability as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Many companies realize the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion. But most focus on gender and ethnicity, paying less attention to people with disabilities.

The Mighty logo.

18 Messages of Hope From People With Disabilities Who’ve Struggled With Suicidal Thoughts

To survive and thrive with a disability, we need support from people who understand, who’ve been there and who can affirm our lives as equal and worth living. So we asked our Mighty community: If you’re an adult with a disability and have experienced suicidal thoughts, what’s one message you would give to other disabled folks who are struggling?