Life Stories

Celinne Da Costa writing in a book sitting at a table.

Why Every Business Needs Powerful Storytelling To Grow

Storytelling is a powerful business tool and a skill that every business building a powerful and lasting brand should master.

Picture of the author and her daughter emma on Emma's 10th birthday.

I Tried Everything To Keep My Daughter Safe. Here’s What I Learned When I Couldn’t.

“In the end, for all my efforts to protect Emma from others, I couldn’t protect her from herself, from her own body waging war against itself.”

Picture of Emma and Therese.

Personal disability stories: Part 8 – Emma and Therese’s stories

I would ask that we take a moment to consider the workplace experience of colleagues with autoimmune conditions, which are non-visible.

Cliff Chadderton is shown with Child Amputee Program member Chris Koch.

Cliff Chadderton, ‘Mr. Veteran,’ was a tireless War Amps champion

Cliff Chadderton lost part of himself on the battlefield, but found a calling.

Picture of Adam Brown.

How a Pickering teen with a rare eye disease is using TikTok to flip the script on visual impairment

Adam Brown hopes to show people what living with retinitis pigmentosa looks like.

Picture of a man sitting in his wheelchair with his service dog on his lap.

People With Disabilities Don’t Need Us To Decide What’s ‘Best’ For Them

Stop telling people what they need. Ask them — and then listen to the answers.

Beth Matthews preparing for photo shoot

Down syndrome: Swansea model Beth Matthews signs with agency

Beth Matthews, 22, from Swansea, tried modelling after her cousin saw the work of Ellie Goldstein, who also has Down’s syndrome and has represented Gucci. Beth has signed for the same agency as Goldstein – Zebedee – which represents people with disabilities and other physical differences.

Moving away from tropes about disabled lives … Chloë Clarke and Aron Julius in Love, Liverpool. Photograph: Brian Roberts

Blindness on stage: ‘Until disabled people can tell their own stories, we’ll always be stereotypes’

From unreadable scripts to ‘cripping up’, a career in theatre with a visual impairment can be a challenge. Chloë Clarke and Douglas Walker share their successes and hopes for the future.

Picture of Aaron Broverman and his wife.

Our Son’s Birth Was Going According To Plan. Then The Pandemic Hit.

As a father-to-be, I had to adapt with every new challenge to support my wife and child.

Mary Mammoliti, a legally blind culinary expert. PHOTO BY AGNESKIESZ /Pure Studios

One woman’s journey of life re-imagined after the loss of sight

When Mary Mammoliti was young, she’d tell her mother she saw the world differently…What the Toronto native didn’t know was she was slowly losing her sight.