Our Story
The Need
In 1994, a young man dealing with an unexpected visual impairment tried to commit suicide. He could accept his loss of vision and the loss of everything he enjoyed – reading, sports, driving and being with his girlfriend. The “kicker” was the loss of his job. His mind was racing with the questions “How can I live this life?” and “How do others live this life?” Because of confidentiality policies and distance he couldn’t be introduced to the people he wanted to meet. His family, friends and teachers asked, “How can we help?” He, and his family, wanted a multimedia resource they could access at any time in the privacy of their own home. Something they could share with others, so they didn’t have to answer questions, as their support networks also wanted answers. He was not the first, nor was he the last, to desperately seek answers but he was the catalyst to the founding of A Life Worth Living.
Meeting that Need
Founded in 1994, The Year of the Family, A Life Worth Living shares life stories of people who live with disabilities, as well as their families, employers and the public through media. These personal experiences offer life-changing answers to questions.

Our Mission
That A Life Worth Living’s blending of knowledge and theory with creative experience offers hope, inspiration, and practical guidance.

Our Dream
That everyone, including people with disabilities, actively participates together in building a fully inclusive society.