Business Accessibility Toolkit

Play video presentation or review the content below: 

Attention Business Owners and Managers:

Do you have customers?

Do you have a website?

Do you have employees?

Answered YES to any of these questions?

AODA Training for everyone is the Law!

A Life Worth Living Business Accessibility Toolkit

The Legislation

Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) section 7, businesses are required to train persons including 1 or more, paid or unpaid, employee(s), board members, management and contract services by January 1, 2016, on:

  • The requirements of the regulations that apply to the organization’s business, and
  • The Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.
Mallet and Gavel

Your Business

Employers across the province have a legislated mandate to train their teams on AODA Standards, develop accessibility policies and multi-year plans, and make information and websites disability accessible.

You can be subject to litigation or fines if you do not take action!

Four fists Over Business Data in background

The Gap

According to the 2014 and 2019 Legislative Reviews, business owners reported that the tools and resources available today to support businesses with these requirements are fragmented and lack comprehensive details on implementing outcomes to enable the best experience for everyone, regardless of abilities.

Bridge Building Not Meeting

The Product

  • eLearning Platform
  • for management, staff, board members, volunteers and contract services
  • combines visual, audio, text and video content
  • modules can stand alone as or taken in their entirety

BAT Product Interface

The Modules of BAT:

  • AODA General Requirements
  • Customer Service
  • Information and Communications
  • Employment
  • Public Spaces

The Business Case

  • Mark Wafer
  • 20% Hearing
  • Successful Business Owner
  • Champion Race Driver
  • Owned 6 Tim Hortons with 46 disabled employees on staff

Your “Why”

  • Helps fulfill a mandated business requirement
  • Participants are tracked and records are immediately available
  • Records are maintained by an unbiased third party (important in the case of litigation)
  • Saves on HR expense of coordination and administration
  • Increases your bottom line by increasing customer and employee engagement through best practices

Let’s Sign You Up


  • You will be in AODA compliance
  • You will save on HR expenses
  • You will increase your bottom line!